Pünktlich, schnell und sicher ans Ziel!


Our taxi company is subject to duty within the travel range (Deggendorf district), binding to the tariff of the relevant tariff order.
To keep the costs of our taxi fares transparent for you, you will find our current applicable prices here.
Type (occupied kilometers) Price
Basic fee (6.00 bis 22.00 clock clock) 4.40 Euro
Basic fee (22h00 bis 6.00 clock clock) 6.40 Euro
Fare per kilometers 2.40 Euro / km
Surcharge from 5 people for large taxis 7.00 Euro
Luggage and pet fee 0.50 Euros
per luggage or small animals in transport box
The tariffs for our other services as chauffeur-service, airpoer-transfer, ambulance-service or parcel-services will be quoted individually on your request.
We are looking forward to receive your inquiry
by phone +49 991-22011,
by fax +49 991-22012
by email taxi@arbinger.de
or by using the following form.
24 Stunden - jederzeit erreichbar!